Lee Wotherspoon
SUNDAY, January 19, 10-11:30am $40
A workshop for your core! Discover and harness the power of your core to bring strength and stability to your yoga practice and daily life. This workshop is educational, experiential, and just might change the way you move for the rest of your life. The physical muscles of your core hold you upright. The core provides the dynamic grace and strength to support balance and posture. It is the point of energy from which each pose extends. The inner fire of core strength is the subtle essence that holds one steady in yoga and in life. It gives you the strength to act on your innermost values, it gives you confidence, and it puts you in touch with your truth.
The session will open will be a brief meditation followed by targeted core work and a fun flow of asanas (yoga poses). The session will close with a well-deserved Savasana and guided relaxation to honor the centered and strong wholeness of you.