Hi, I'm Lee.

Welcome to QUIET MIND / YOGA + WELLBEING. I first discovered yoga at age 18 and my early practice was guided by books and self-study. I remain drawn to yoga for the quiet, reflective nature of that practice and for how the poses and breath work challenge me to find the fine balance between effort and ease. I believe there is much joy and deep connection to be found when we attend to presence and experience the felt sense of inhabiting each moment. I appreciate yoga as a path of self-inquiry. One that cultivates strength and flexibility of body and mind so that we may feel better and be in better relationship with each other. My passion for teaching yoga is rooted in a desire to promote both individual and community health. I find inspiration for practice everywhere; ancient wisdom & neuroscience, poetry & politics, nature & nurture. I share some of that inspiration here along with some of my thoughts... in case they may spark an interest in you too.

By lee February 9, 2025
Chaos and clarity–  opposing and deeply intertwined states.
candles in soft lighting
By lee November 23, 2023
In the yoga community we have built together, the practice of satya, or truthfulness, is a guiding principle. As we move through our practice on the mat, we strive to be truthful not only in our words but also in our actions. This commitment to truth extends beyond the studio and into our interactions with others. It fosters an environment of authenticity and genuine connection. In this way Satya only enriches our understanding of this season of thanks.
By lee November 2, 2023
Tree Pose, or Vriksasana in Sanskrit, mimics the grace and stability of a tree. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, working with this elegant pose cultivates balance, strength, and focus.
Sun Saluation On a Yoga Mat with Mala Beads
By lee July 9, 2023
I experience both a sense of peace and power when attuned to the movements of earth relative to the sun. Sunrise, sunset, high-noon, midnight, longest day, longest night, equal day, and night. These moments are sublime opportunities to acknowledge what is always true. The light always returns. This planet is always spinning.
Reflection of moon on water
By Lee March 21, 2023
You think it will never happen again. Then, one night in April, the tribes wake trilling. You walk down to the shore. Your coming stills them, but little by little the silence lifts until song is everywhere and your soul rises from your bones and strides out over the water.
Bonfire on the beach with ocean in background
By Lee March 21, 2023
Yesterday morning I watched the spring sunrise from my sleeping bag on Newcomb Hollow beach surrounded by friends. Some of us stayed overnight on the beach, around the fire and under at least a zillion stars. Others gathered with at night and returned in the morning with cocoa and coffee and tea to warm our bodies after a very cold night. Spring is notoriously late on the outer cape. But the cycle of seasons does not care how much cold Atlantic water we are surrounded by. I woke slowly. Wanting for more time with the stars in pre-dawn light. Wanting for more time with the crashing sound of
Warrior II Yoga Pose
By lee March 3, 2023
Warrior II develops physical and mental strength and stamina. This standing pose improves focus and discernment. In addition to the stability and flexibility cultivated in the feet, legs and hips, the posture strengthens abdominal and back muscles, opens the chest, and strengthens your shoulders. This whole-body asana creates stretch that counters the effects of sitting.
By Lee February 3, 2023
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana opens the chest, relieving shoulders that have been hunched against the cold. This pose also strengthens the core and low body, generating heat and cultivating focus.
By Lee January 1, 2023
I have been preparing to reflect. It is one of those times of the year again. The moment to begin anew feels all of a sudden right here. What a wonderful thing. But before I set intentions and begin 2023, I want to remember 2022. It was a fast, full year. I want to slow down and bring to mind the small and large moments that filled the last 365 days. I want to spend some time seeing 2022. And I’d like to do that with a clear lens. In truth I don’t spend a lot of time looking back in a purely reflective way. My mind drifts into the past as often as anyone's does. For me that type of thinking can be clouded by my current emotions, the fatigue or energy of the present moment. Insecurities or desires for the future might color my thoughts of the past. Often the lens is just not clear enough to reflect. Generally I can shift my perspective to refocus on the present moment. I love yoga , meditation and other embodied practices to feel my way back into the here and now. But it can be incredibly useful to reflect. I have had the past week off from work. I have rested, taken beautiful walks with friends, snuggled with family, watched movies, cleared out my closet, listened to music, read magazines and poems and books, prepared and eaten good food, cleaned off my desk, shared time with beloved elders, listened to the plans and dreams of beloved children, played games, rested some more, got to the post office during open hours, looked at photos, cried a bit, laughed a bit more, danced, sweat in the sauna, had a dental cleaning, climbed at the gym. Taking this time is helping me to remember myself. Grounding me for the work of reflection. Preparing my mind and heart and body to remember in a meaningful way. Polishing things up so that reflection can be useful and truthful and as clear as it can be. Earlier this month I sat with two of my greatest guides and friends, mapping out 2022 and telling each other and ourselves about the ride. Now that I have had some time to get clear, I’ll take another look back at the map as the year comes to it's end. From there I’ll take my first steps in to 2023... hopeful and present. Love and warmth to you as you step in to the new year. xo Lee
December 30, 2021
Remember by Joy Harjo  Remember the sky that you were born under, know each of the star's stories. Remember the moon, know who she is. Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time. Remember sundown and the giving away to night. Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form and breath. You are evidence of her life, and her mother's, and hers. Remember your father. He is your life, also. Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth brown earth, we are earth. Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them, listen to them. They are alive poems. Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the origin of this universe. Remember you are all people and all people are you. Remember you are this universe and this universe is you. Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you. Remember language comes from this. Remember the dance language is, that life is. Remember. "Remember." Copyright ©1983 by Joy Harjo from She Had Some Horses by Joy Harjo. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Joy Harjo is an internationally renowned performer and writer of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. She served three terms as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States from 2019-2022.
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