Lee • January 1, 2023

Reflecting on a year gone by

I have been preparing to reflect. It is one of those times of the year again. The moment to begin anew feels all of a sudden right here. What a wonderful thing. But before I set intentions and begin 2023, I want to remember 2022. It was a fast, full year. I want to slow down and bring to mind the small and large moments that filled the last 365 days. I want to spend some time seeing 2022. And I’d like to do that with a clear lens.

In truth I don’t spend a lot of time looking back in a purely reflective way. My mind drifts into the past as often as anyone's does. For me that type of thinking can be clouded by my current emotions, the fatigue or energy of the present moment. Insecurities or desires for the future might color my thoughts of the past. Often the lens is just not clear enough to reflect. Generally I can shift my perspective to refocus on the present moment. I love yoga , meditation and other embodied practices to feel my way back into the here and now. But it can be incredibly useful to reflect.

I have had the past week off from work. I have rested, taken beautiful walks with friends, snuggled with family, watched movies, cleared out my closet, listened to music, read magazines and poems and books, prepared and eaten good food, cleaned off my desk, shared time with beloved elders, listened to the plans and dreams of beloved children, played games, rested some more, got to the post office during open hours, looked at photos, cried a bit, laughed a bit more, danced, sweat in the sauna, had a dental cleaning, climbed at the gym. Taking this time is helping me to remember myself. Grounding me for the work of reflection. Preparing my mind and heart and body to remember in a meaningful way. Polishing things up so that reflection can be useful and truthful and as clear as it can be.

Earlier this month I sat with two of my greatest guides and friends, mapping out 2022 and telling each other and ourselves about the ride. Now that I have had some time to get clear, I’ll take another look back at the map as the year comes to it's end. From there I’ll take my first steps in to 2023... hopeful and present.

Love and warmth to you as you step in to the new year.



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