Lee • February 3, 2023

Heart opening for chilly days

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana opens the chest, relieving shoulders that have been hunched against the cold. This pose also strengthens the core and low body, generating heat and cultivating focus.

To begin, lie on the back, knees bent, feet grounded to the floor a short distance ahead of your pelvis. Lay the arms by the sides, palms up.

(You could take moment here in stillness to feel the ground and feel the movement of your breath.  You could also take a moment here to move gently...rock the knees side to side and notice sensation in the legs, hips, low back, chest and shoulders.  I find taking time to tune in and sharpen embodied awareness before entering a yoga pose to be of great benefit. Try it for yourself and see what you notice. Does the pose feel stronger, more balanced, easier, more joyful?)

When ready, press down into the four corners of each foot and raise your hips high. To open the chest, draw the shoulder blades down the back and towards each other. If possible clasp the hands together. Hold a yoga strap or a scarf if the hands don't meet today. Press down into the clasped hands and forearms to lift the chest. Hold the pose. Repeat. Seek the fine balance between effort and ease.

In this pose the backs of the shoulders are on the floor and the chin tucks gently toward the chest, lengthening the back of the neck. If the neck complains, listen to it. You can adapt this pose by elevating the chest and arms on a folded blanket with the neck and head on the floor behind the blanket.  When the hips and chest are lifted in this variation there is less flexion of the neck.

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