lee • November 23, 2023

Truth & Gratitude

An environment of genuine connection

In the yoga community we have built together, the practice of satya, or truthfulness, is a guiding principle. As we move through our practice on the mat, we strive to be truthful not only in our words but also in our actions. This commitment to truth extends beyond the studio and into our interactions with others. It fosters an environment of authenticity and genuine connection. In this way Satya only enriches our understanding of this season of thanks. 

Applying the principle of satya to the history of Thanksgiving, means acknowledging the complete narrative, including the role of the Wampanoag Tribe in the first Thanksgiving. Truthfulness requires us to confront historical complexities and to honor the full spectrum of experiences that led to this shared feast. In doing so, we deepen our understanding of gratitude as a practice rooted in acknowledging the interconnectedness of all beings and the abundance of this land we call home. If you love the outer Cape, you have a unique opportunity to take that love and transform it into understanding the history and present of the people whose ancestors have inhabited this land for thousands of years. 

For me, empathy is key to acknowledging interconnectedness. I want to be able to feel the joy in my mother’s heart as she makes and serves my late grandmother’s apple pie to my grandmother’s great-grandchildren. And I will allow myself to feel other emotions connected to this day. While I take comfort in the company of and traditions of my family, I am aware that today is a day of mourning for members of the tribe. Many will gather today, with friends and family in Plymouth and other locations around the country to commemorate historical losses and contemporary challenges faced by indigenous people. And, I hope all will find comfort in each other's presence. Satya is a powerful practice on one’s own. In my experience it is even more powerful in the collective. 

It is my hope that our Quiet Mind community strives to embody the essence of santosha, being content in the present moment, expressing gratitude today not only for the abundance on our plates but for the diverse tapestry of our lives that shape this very moment. We can do this and embrace satya. Learn and honor the true history of Thanksgiving and feel the interconnectedness of our shared human experience. Tell me…what does that feel like in your body?

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