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Thai Yoga Bodywork


55 Commercial Street, Wellfleet, MA 02667

Thai bodywork is an ancient healing technique that combines hands-on acupressure with assisted stretching and movement. Done fully clothed on a thick padded mat on the floor, it is like having yoga done for you. This treatment is bliss! In addition to feeling great, other benefits of Thai Bodywork include:

increased range of motion  /  improved posture  /  reduced back pain  /  reduced headache intensity  /  increased relaxation  /  better sleep  /  improved digestion  /  increased mindfulness

In most forms of massage, the practitioner uses their hands and sometimes other objects to relax and manipulate your muscles. You lie on a massage table, switching between face-down and face-up.With these forms of massage, you typically remove all or most of your clothing. In Thai bodywork, however, you lie on a mat on the floor. It's important to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is easy to move in. In a Thai bodywork session your limbs will be moved around to stretch joints and apply moderate to deep pressure to key areas of the body according to traditional Ayuervedic theory.

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