lee • March 3, 2023

Strong and expansive

 Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

This standing pose improves focus and discernment. Warrior II develops phyisical and mental strength and stamina. In addition to the stability and flexibility cultivated in the feet, legs and hips, the posture strengthens abdominal and back muscles, opens the chest, and strengthens your shoulders. This whole-body asana creates stretch that counters the effects of sitting.

Step (or jump! if you are feeling playful) your feet wide apart. Turn the right foot and leg all the way to the right. Turn your left toes in a bit. Feel for all four corners of each foot and press down. Pull up on your inner thighs and from there lift your chest and spread your arms out wide at shoulder height. Feel yourself expansive here. Truly, take a moment to feel expansive. What do you notice? Is it the first time today that you have taken up this much space? Where does the expansion come from? From the center out. But where? Can you locate in your body where this sensation of centered-ness begins? Bring centered expansion forward with you into the pose.

Keep the shoulders over the hips as you bend the right knee. Turn the knee toward the middle toe and turn your navel toward your left hand. Cast your gaze (dristhi) out over the right hand. Keep the gaze soft and steady to the right and spread awareness into the reach of the left hand too. Find a smooth comfortable pace for the breath. Use your breath and resolve to stay strong in the pose. It is named, after all, after a fierce warrior.

Stay for five breaths to begin and repeat on the second side. Increase time in the pose as you build strength. If your joints feel particularly stiff today, or you have been sitting for a while it can be useful move in and out of the pose a few time before holding. Once turning the feet and legs into position, exhale, bend the knee and sweep the arms out and then inhale, re-straighten the legs and drop the arms down. Repeat until you feel ready to hold the pose for a longer stay.

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