Lee • March 21, 2023

Blessing Spring

What is your favorite way in to mystery?

Yesterday morning I watched the spring sunrise from my sleeping bag on Newcomb Hollow beach surrounded by friends. Some of us stayed overnight on the beach, around the fire and under at least a zillion stars. Others gathered with at night and returned in the morning with cocoa and coffee and tea to warm our bodies after a very cold night. Spring is notoriously late on the outer cape. But the cycle of seasons does not care how much cold Atlantic water we are surrounded by. I woke slowly. Wanting for more time with the stars in pre-dawn light. Wanting for more time with the crashing sound of waves and the whirl of smoke in the wind. I held still for a long while, bundled up with my eyes open. Watching the light change. Red, then pink before turning gold on the horizon. Listening to the mummer of quiet conversation between those tending to the fire. My heart was warm and full of the magic and medicine of the night. But eventually, the promise of a warm cup to heat my bones sat me up. I waited to watch the light dance it’s way across the water from the sun to the beach. Then I rose and left the fire. I was eager to unfold from my huddled posture into an expansive yoga practice and to continue the blessing of spring that way.

The first of these equinox fires was inspired by a desire to begin a relationship with new friends from the Wampanoag tribe. There have been five oceanside sleep-outs now with this group, each spring and fall since 2021. The intention is to be together in community, in nature honoring the land and the gifts of the season. People come and go from the fire. All are welcome. There is no forced ritual. That first morning upon rising and greeting the sun two years ago, one of our new friends said “we will not tell you how to pray.” And then each and every person present did it differently. Some were loud, some silent; some were leaping, some pressed a fist to the earth, some flew hands to the sky, some splashed cold salty water on their cheeks. I find it incredibly freeing and comforting to be together but to be encouraged into my own relationship with spirit. It suits me.

I will not tell you how to pray. I can barely even try to describe the energy towards which I do. Other than to say it is something vast and directed toward love. I will tell you that immersion in nature, yoga, mindful stillness and mindful movement, breath and pure awareness of sensory experience are some of my favorite ways into the mystery. The ultimate goal of a yoga practice is to connect with your own true nature. For me, moments in that space of connection are full of beautiful mystery, awe and gratitude. Sometimes I practice awe alone. Other times I am with you and still I am able to be completely me. I am grateful for you. I am grateful for this land. I am grateful for the zillion stars, especially our sun. I am grateful for hot cocoa on a cold morning. I am in awe that I am a living breathing part of this spinning and tilting planet. I am grateful for spring and for a reason to celebrate both renewal and equidistance. 


How do you practice awe? How do you bless the moment? What is your favorite way into the mystery?


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